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notes from 13thirtyone: A little scary


A little scary

In chatting with a friend yesterday we were talking about my business. And during the conversation she said, "That has to be scary. You're solely responsible for your own income. So if there's no work, there's no money."

Sure I just nodded in agreement and offered up a flimsy, "Yeah." But my eyes definitely widened a bit. Of course I already know this and force myself not to think about it too much because it is a scary thought. Obviously, the idea of starting your own business revolves around taking care of yourself and your clients. But every now and then, especially when your best friend reinforces it, the idea can creep one out a bit.

Naturally, a self-employed person needs to worry about these things. So how do you keep money coming in when work isn't? The answer is difficult to put into action but simple to learn. Saving. When work is great and the big bucks are rolling in, that money needs to roll directly into the bank. Big paydays don't mean bigger paychecks. It means more security and a few more months of income added to the old savings account.

While a dry spell could last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, it's so important to continue marketing and networking. Those project dollars will start rolling in again. You just have to learn to keep yourself afloat until they do.

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