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notes from 13thirtyone: Flash Dance


Flash Dance

Do you ever hear your college professors words in your head every now and again? Lately, I've been working on a website in Flash for a client. In creating the animations, I'm reminded of my web design professor's mantra, "Designing in Flash is like choreographing a dance. All the movements must compliment one another and co-exist to form something beautiful."

She was a little crazy at times, but this thought really stuck with me. It's very true when you think about it. None of us like to a website that appears to have ADHD; flashing banners and animations moving so quickly across the screen that we don't have time to decipher what we just saw.

I personally think that there are many websites that abuse the beauty of Flash. Some designers and clients alike think that it doesn't matter what the site design looks like, as long as things are flying around in front you. However, I do feel that when done correctly in conjunction with a solid design, and when used in an elegant manner, a website created in Flash can be a very powerful communication tool... like a well choreographed dance. ;)

1 comment:

Chris Bolmeier said...

Great article Angela.