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notes from 13thirtyone: Weird...



In my most recent post I mentioned this whole desk feng-shui thing. I actually cut out pieces of paper (borderline-nutty, I know) and placed them under my desk, as instructed. The whole idea is that these little cut-outs will bring me good luck and prosperity. Of course we're all skeptical, but why not give it a go? (Note: one thing I love about the holiday season - it's slow enough to play with these crazy ideas)

My desk daisy has been in full bloom for about a week. In fear of sounding like a whack-job, it's working. Old colleagues have reached out to me for networking opportunities, two referrals have come in the door, clients are suddenly paying their open balances and money is rolling in. Hmmm. Hard to deny the good fortune I've had lately. Do you really chalk it up this feng-shui stuff?

So, I ask you... does feng-shui really work? Have you ever tried it and gotten results? Tell me, I want to know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Angela - I totally believe that Feng Shui works but not it the "mystical" or "magical" way. The way I look at it is that Feng Shui teachings are the result of centuries of experience of what makes a room/home comfortable. Some of it translates perfectly to modern times (put your desk facing the door because this is the position of power - look at every CEO's office) and some are a little old fashioned and seems far fetched. But it all gets you thinking about the positive aspects of your life and changes you want to make and I think that is the secret (much like The Secret).

This is my favorite Feng Shui book: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Karen Rauch Carter. It has very practical applications and is very entertaining to read.

Have a Great Day!