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notes from 13thirtyone: creative block


creative block

Everyone gets creative blocks every once in a while. As a designer, I custom design everything I do for my clients - no templates. It can be difficult at times to think of new ideas and to never recycle the old.

I have written posts before about ways to find inpsiration. But recently, I came across a book called Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued by Susan O'Doherty. It looks very interesting and provides ideas for not just designers, but writers and other creative professsionals.

I haven't yet had the chance to open it, but I thought this could be an interesting point for discussion. How do you suggest finding inspiration when ideas are running a little dry?

1 comment:

Chris Bolmeier said...

I suggest you sit quietly with a glass of wine and an okaboji bar, and a bag of cheetos,in your jammies with your favorite teddy bear.

Think about how beautiful Switzerland was and get angry that you're not living there. I find there is nothing like a small irritation to get me going in the right direction creatively.

Or ask yourself before you go to sleep for your subconscious to give you an idea and you'll wake up with one. Just trying to help.
Chris Bolmeier