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notes from 13thirtyone: The Importance of Brainstorming


The Importance of Brainstorming

Sorry I haven't written in a few weeks. A lot's been happening here at 13thirtyone. Everything from client work to looking at office spaces to self-promotion has been keeping me away. But enough excuses.

Over the past few weeks a lot of items have crossed my desk that require brainstorming. First and foremost, creating effective logos for clients always requires the correct amount of thinking and research. Also, one of my blog readers wrote me an email recently regarding the naming process of her business; she had been idea generating for a while and was beginning to feel frustrated. Finally, a lot of time and energy went into deciding whether or not 13thirtyone was ready to take the next step; should I move into an office and leave my eco-friendly set-up behind to start fresh?

I realized with all of these challenges the importance of thinking things through. We live in a society where we need instant gratification. Drive through winows and TiVo give us what we want in a hurry; whatever happened to smelling the roses? I tried to keep this in mind when I found myself getting bogged down by so many thoughts all at once.

So, while this may not be any new insight regarding the "world of graphic design," let it serve as a reminder to slow down. Take the time to follow through in your thought processes. Brainstorming and truly sorting out your thoughts can only lead to more effective design AND more profitable decisions for your life and business.

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