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notes from 13thirtyone: 13thirtyone is Moving!


13thirtyone is Moving!

Hello, hello. As mentioned in previous posts, I've been looking for an office space. I officially signed on the dotted line and am set to start moving on July 1st. It's a big step for 13thirtyone, but I feel it's the right one. Regardless, I'm still making the commitment to keep my office space as eco-friendly as I can.

I don't have keys-in-hand yet, but when I do, I'll be sure to take a few photos. The office needs a bit of work, so I'd be more than happy to walk you through the "befores" and "afters" of my office makeover. In the meantime, here's the little street in downtown Hudson that'll be my new home away from home. The tall building in the center (aka "The Hatch Building") is where my office resides. I'll be in the upstairs portion.

Oh yeah, and sorry for the sun spots on the images...


Chris Bolmeier said...

Congratulations Angela, what a beautiful building and quaint street. I wish you all the luck you deserve in your new location. Your talent will serve you well wherever you go.

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your move into your new office! that's exciting for any small business owner. best wishes with your new ventures! also, a congratulations for making it into HOW magazine. love the portfolio.

Anonymous said...

Angela, what an accomplishment! Congratulations on acquiring your space, the location really seems to fit your style. Best of luck in this next level of business, it really is inspiring.

angela said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone! I'm very excited about this and it's great that I can share this experience with you all.

Also, a quick thanks for reading my blog as well. I hope you enjoy it!

Laura said...

Yay thats so exciting!!