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notes from 13thirtyone: Office Planning Ideas


Office Planning Ideas

This is far from an interior design blog... however, aesthetics are a really big deal when moving into a space, especially for a design business. If a business had great design work but a less than pleasing-to-the-eye space, this would not bode well and could prevent clients from wanting to meet with you at the office. Therefore, I'm trying to think this one through very carefully.

In trying to be as green as possible while decorating the place, I've made the commitment to buy as many used items as possible for furniture and accessories. Why buy a brand new table when one down the street may need a new home? I've created an idea board for each room. Of course some of the items are pictured as new, but this is where garage sales and Craigs List will come into play.

The first room one sees when walking past or into the office is the reception/waiting area (I promise I'll take some photos of the interior tonight). I want this to catch the eye, so I've decided to paint the walls the same orange as my logo... plus, from a subconscious perspective, orange is supposed to inspire creativity. Here's what I'm thinking so far (note: click on image to enlarge):

I'll be sure to post my ideas for the two other rooms in the days to come... I can't give away everything at once!

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