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notes from 13thirtyone: Getting Permission for Email Marketing


Getting Permission for Email Marketing

So... yesterday I gave my little ten minute spiel at my PWN meeting. It went so-so. I flew through it in six minutes, strangely. As I practiced before, I kept going over ten. I got up there and kept thinking, "hurry, hurry!" I honestly was suffocating myself in front my peers - I was forgetting to breathe, then my voice started shaking and I think I looked really nervous. This all coming from a girl that spoke at her high school graduation in front of 5,000. Crap. I need more practice.

Okay, so what does this have to do with email marketing. Everything - I just needed to vent for a minute. While I was giving my presentation, shaky voice and all, I decided to pass out an email signup sheet. Not only did I print this right at the top of the sheet, but I also explained that my emails were sent out only once a month. Furthermore, their info was not going to be shared with any the party. Making these points are very important, I feel. People get way too many emails a day already - make sure they know you're not going to SPAM them all day, everyday.

Next, I explained what my emails were all about. They're not stating tid-bits of news such as "Angela just got a new client." No one cares. Instead, I provided the crowd with the idea that my emails are actually do-it-yourself tips on business and self-promotion. You actually gain insight from reading them (hopefully) and I'm out to share my knowledge with you.

Wanna know what happened? I got a full sign up list. In all honesty, this has never happened before. Usually I get one or two email addresses and a lot of "no way" faces. But I actually took the time to talk to people about this and they cared AND responded. Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Angela - Thanks for posting this article. I have been thinking of passing an email permission list around my BNI group but I was a little afraid no one would sign up. I will definitely pass around a sign up sheet now using your method.
Have a great weekend!