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notes from 13thirtyone: Elevator Speech


Elevator Speech

I have to make a mini-presentation to my local PWN network on Thursday evening. I say mini because I only have 10 minutes to talk about my business, what I offer and how I can help business owners.

I've been told to practice my elevator speech for this little talk - have a brief summary about 13thirtyone ready as if I were next to someone in an elevator for a few minutes, making small talk about what I do. Ten minutes would be a long elevator ride...

Obviously I'll give a little bit of background about my business (which no one will really care to hear) and then begin to discuss the different facets of design that I can provide. But here's my question - ten minutes can go either very fast or very slow, right? So how should one best present their company's services without rambling in a ten minute window?

I was thinking a bit of show and tell might be helpful. I could pass around a few samples while chatting about the different services. But that would only take about two minutes. So what should the rest of the time be dedicated to? A preaching sermon about why a business needs graphic design?

I need a little advice here - what would you chat about for 10 minutes, when the initial business intro only takes about three?

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