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notes from 13thirtyone: Green Hosting Options


Green Hosting Options

I have been researching for a while about transferring my hosting service to a greener, more sustainable provider. There are many hosting companies out there that offer their hosting in a variety of "green" fashions. Some run solely on wind or solar energy (this is the route I'd like to go). Others simply payback their carbon emissions by using Carbon Offsets or Carbon Emission Credits. While this is a step in the right direction, certainly, I'm all about finding a hosting provider that doesn't create pollution in the first place.

In exploring my options, I thought I'd share my findings with you, should you or someone you know be interested in switching to a green hosting company. I started by looking at Co-Op America's National Green Pages. There's a long list of web hosting providers listed there; a great place to start.

There's also a great hosting green hosting company in Minneapolis called Sunday's Energy. If you're local, they may be a good fit.

Finally, the Minnesota Green Pages is a great resource when looking for anything eco-friendly in the area. I looked for an independent hosting company a while back and didn't see much, but it's updated regularly, I think.

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