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notes from 13thirtyone: Getting Settled


Getting Settled

Okay, so I'm still not entirely used to the idea of blogging yet, but I've heard from several sources that this is a good way to promote yourself and your business. Mainly, Dani Nordin of the Zen Kitchen, a small graphic and website design company that's dedicated to green design...very inspirational. I truly admire those who continuously do their part for the environment regardless of the latest "earth trend." Has anyone else noticed that no one seems to be seriously concerned with conservation until gas prices reach around $3 a gallon?

Back to my main point of discussion - green design. To give you a little info about me, I'm a graphic
designer who just recently started my own company. We're settled in Hudson, which is a suburb of the Twin Cities, in Wisconsin. In setting up my business and deciding how I want to to go about my practices, I've been giving this green design thing a lot of thought. How great would it be if I could do my part, and help my clients do theirs as well. So in a nut shell, I added a page to my site (www.13thirtyone.com), but am leaving the door pretty open. Meaning, I don't know if I want to exclusively work with green printers and paper companies or not. What are your thoughts? Should going green be an "all-in" sort of gig, or is it okay to just give your clients options?

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