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notes from 13thirtyone: Graphic Design and Politics


Graphic Design and Politics

Politics seems to be at the forefront of everyone's mind lately; and it should be. One of the most important elections in our country's history is less than one month away. In reading up on yesterday's presidential debate, I came across a few articles that mentioned the "branding" Obama has used in his campaign. The full article is on Newsweek's website and is extremely interesting. A small excerpt from author Andrew Romano is below:

Obama's success owes a lot, of course, to his message--the promise to pass Democratic policies by rallying a "coalition for change." But watching Obamamania over the past few weeks, I've become convinced that there's something more subtle at work, too. It's not just the message and the man and the speeches that are swaying Democratic voters--though they are. It's the way the campaign has folded the man and the message and the speeches into a systemic branding effort. Reinforced with a coherent, comprehensive program of fonts, logos, slogans and web design, Obama is the first presidential candidate to be marketed like a high-end consumer brand.* And for folks who don't necessarily need Democratic social programs--upscale voters, young people--I suspect that the novel comfort of that brand affiliation contributes (however subconsciously) to his appeal.

On another note, I found a cool website that offers free downloads of anti-war posters. The well designed propaganda can be checked out at http://www.anotherposterforpeace.org/.

1 comment:

Chris Bolmeier said...

I feel that this post is a spot on observation on the subtle branding of a candidate that adds up to alot of buzz is very true. You're a smart cookie!