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notes from 13thirtyone: This Year's Holiday Wine Label


This Year's Holiday Wine Label

It's the first week of October which means time to start planning holiday promotions. Last year, for my client holiday gifts, I did a bottle of wine with a custom label created by me. After thinking about it for a LONG time, I decided I'd repeat the gift this year. While it's not as eco-friendly as I'd like, the contents are sure to be used and the bottle can be recycled (which I've so clearly typed on the label). This year's holiday label is below:

I wanted something somewhat distressed looking, while classic, elegant and even a little whimsical. The red on the main portion of the label is somewhat retro, while the darker red stripe along the side will match the casing on the wine cork. By only using type, the message is sure to be noticed, thus, the focal point of the label.

Next up is creating a holiday card to match the wine bottle piece. I'll keep you posted...


Chris Bolmeier said...

Love your Wine Label for the Year, it's a keeper. Very Very Nice Work!

Anonymous said...


Very nice! May I use this as a featured example in our e-book?